I run a poultry farm of chickens that lay eggs for me. But 2 months ago, i noticed the eggs were reducing.I was nit getting the number of eggs i should be getting everyday. I rhen decided to buy this product and install on my farm . Within 2 days, i was able to see from my phone that it was my neigbour that was entering my farm to steal my eggs. I got hi m arrested.
5 months ago, i employed a staff to stay in my shop and attend to customers. But after a while, i noticed my goods were missing one by one. If i asked her, she will say she does not know anything about it. I later decided to buy this product and install in my shop. I connected it to my phone so i can see what was happening. That was when i saw her taking some of my goods to give to somebody outside my shop
Any time i travel and come back, i will notice my foodstuffs have reduced. My bag of rice and beans will have reduced. Even my keg of oil will have also reduced. After this thing happened like 5 times, i decided to buy this product and install in my house anytime i traveled.
From my phone, i was able to see that one of my neighbour had a spare key to my apartment. He was the one always coming to steal my foodstuffs when i am not around.